Mechatronic system design for children’s upper limb therapy

Keywords: Mechatronic system, rehabilitation, therapie


This article presents a design of a mechatronic system to support children in their rehabilitation of the upper limb (shoulder, wrist and hand). A communication interface is designed using the arduino board to link the mechanical system and the man-machine software. In addition, it is make a game with the purpose of making the mechatranic system more attractive and serving as motivation so that children can advance in their physical therapies.

The mechatronic system is designed in a CAD software with all its components, the electronic part is made with the arduino card to control the progress of the therapies and the game is created through a games platform. The experimental rehabilitation team is designed with the advice of therapists and approved by a rehabilitation center for children with motor problems.


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Author Biographies

Nancy Campos-Ceja , University of Colima

Mechatronic Engineering

Silvia Magaña-Ciprian, Universidad de Colima

Mechatronics Engineer


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How to Cite
Campos-Ceja , N., Lau, J. G., Magaña-Ciprian, S., Charre-Ibarra, S., Alcalá-Rodríguez , J., Durán-Fonseca , M., & Velez-Diaz, D. (2021). Mechatronic system design for children’s upper limb therapy. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 9(18), 6-13.

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