Sexual practices in students of the bachelor's degree in surgeon medicine of the superior school of Tlahuelilpan during the confinement secondary to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.

Keywords: Sexual practices, sexual health, confinement, pandemic, SARS-CoV2


Introduction: The secondary implications of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic in relation to sexual health are little evidenced. Objective: To know the sexual practices in students of the bachelor's degree in surgeon medicine of the superior school of Tlahuelilpan during the confinement due to the pandemic. Methodology: Qualitative type, phenomenological design, non-probabilistic convenience sampling, the information was obtained through semi-structured interviews with 45 students of both genders, the processing included a category: sexual practices and 6 subcategories; sexual activity during confinement, masturbation, sex toys, graphic expressions of sexuality, sexting and cybersex, the analysis of the information was carried out using the atlas ti program. Results: The sexual practices of the students were substantially modified, the results show that the participants experimented with other practices, with online activities and masturbation being the most recurrent. Discussion: The results found in previous studies show significant changes in terms of new sexual practices, which coincide with those found in this study. Conclusions: Cyberculture has led to a wide variety of possibilities and options for eroticization based on accessibility and anonymity in the vast majority of cases.



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How to Cite
Camacho, S., Martínez-Campos , J. F., Padrón-Arce , A., Chávez-Martínez, L. C., Rivera-Suárez, E. E., & Martínez-López, A. (2023). Sexual practices in students of the bachelor’s degree in surgeon medicine of the superior school of Tlahuelilpan during the confinement secondary to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 11(21), 9-15.

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