Satisfied employees - business productivity

Keywords: Job satisfaction, productivity, enterprise


The main challenge of an organization is the economic goal, which is to maximize business profit, researchers of the subject of job satisfaction measurement techniques identify and consider it an important tool for organizations seeking greater productivity and a significant contribution to human resources and the company. Because of these needs, organizations are interested in understanding the concept of job satisfaction and the benefits it can bring to your business in areas such as productivity. Therefore, the aim is to identify the degree to which workers are satisfied and identified with the organization and its impact on productivity, as companies seek to generate higher performance and benefits. The results prove theoretical elements and their respective indicators, comparing the issue of job satisfaction influence on productivity, in three medium-sized textile manufacturing located in the municipality of Tepeji del Rio, in Hidalgo State.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Trujillo, M. G., Hernández Mendoza, J. M., Molina Ruíz, H. D., & García Vargas, M. de L. (2020). Satisfied employees - business productivity . Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 7(14), 4-9.

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