Food safety in a marketing and distribution company of meat products: diagnosis and improvement propose

Keywords: Food safety, meat products, hygiene, public policy


Food for human consumption must have safety and nutritional characteristics in sufficient quantity, they must ensure that it will not cause damage to the consumer. A balanced diet is suggested to include eating foods of animal origin, Mexico is the sixth consumer of meat worldwide, and due to the high consumption, it is very important to guard that its production is in the best conditions to guarantee its properties. The objective of this study was to make a situational diagnosis of hygiene and food handling practices was carried out in a distribution centre of a marketing and distribution company of meat products, and then design an improvement plan for them.


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How to Cite
Romero-Olguin, A., Ortiz-Polo, A., & Martinez-Campos, J. F. (2023). Food safety in a marketing and distribution company of meat products: diagnosis and improvement propose. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 9(17), 9-14.

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