PID control applied to a phototherapy prototype

Keywords: Phototherapy, Light control, Medical Instrumentation


Within the biomedical area, the control of the variables of the processes is fundamental, because a small error directly influences the health of people, there is no margin of error, for example, in the application of phototherapies, the control of the intensity of Ultraviolet radiation will determine the effectiveness of the treatments. Due to this, in the present work, the design and physical construction of a phototherapy bed prototype is addressed, which was built by 3D printing, as well as a control system for light regulation in the face of external disturbances. The luminosity control is carried out through the implementation of a digital PID control action on an ATmega328P132 microcontroller that gives the response to an LED lamp which varies the intensity according to the difference detected between the desired level for the treatment and the detected value. using a light sensor.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Adame-Resendis, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Pátzcuaro

Estudiante de Ingeniería Biomédica

Jesús García-García, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Pátzcuaro

Estudiante de Ingeniería Biomédica


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How to Cite
Peñaloza-Mendoza, G. R., Adame-Resendis, D., & García-García, J. (2022). PID control applied to a phototherapy prototype. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial5), 53-58.