Organizational diagnosis and job satisfaction in a health unit

Keywords: Job satisfaction, organizational climate, job safety, working conditions, productivity


When talking about human capital it is essential to emphasize their well-being and working conditions, not only for their benefit but also for the institution itself, since having a plan to improve the organizational climate by promoting the integration of workers and covering their needs at work level will be generating a direct impact on their motivation and increase their personal satisfaction, job security and therefore the productivity of the company. Based on this, the human factor is a strategic resource that must be optimized to achieve competitiveness. This document is a study of the qualitative and quantitative transactional design of job satisfaction as a fundamental basis for the development of companies, based on surveys and interviews, making organizational level assessments in order to identify factors that affect the performance of employers, as well as the relationship between working conditions and productivity at the collective level.


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How to Cite
Ortega-Reyes, A. O., Roque-Morales, J. C., Montaño-Arango, Óscar, Corona-Armenta, J. R., Robles-Acosta, C., & Marcelino-Aranda, M. (2023). Organizational diagnosis and job satisfaction in a health unit. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(21), 129-135.

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