Review: Competition and Competitors

Keywords: Competitors, Rivalry, Competition


In this review of the book Marketing Strategies. An approach based on the management process, by Dr. José Luis Munuera Alemán, chapter four highlights the essence of the analysis of competition within a company, so it begins by describing about the various competitions that a company faces, should always seek to expand and with better strategies to get better results in the work, another approach is that you must have a goal, because consumers are always more demanding products seeking better quality.  A limited good can achieve minimize costs, maximize profits and stay active and innovative against dangerous competitors, the goal is to know the future intentions about competitors, getting their strengths with their weaknesses, the present work is recommended for students, people who undertake a business and are facing competitive rivals.



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José Luis Munuera alemán, Ana Isabel Rodríguez Escudero, Estrategias de marketing. Un enfoque basado en el proceso de dirección, (ESIC EDITORIAL 2016) (pp.125-159) análisis de la competencia y de los competidores,cap.4

How to Cite
Jiménez Domínguez, E. F. (2023). Review: Competition and Competitors. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 12(23), 40-44.