Rethinking Marketing for Sustainable Development: New Approaches and Strategies

Keywords: Sustainable marketing, marketing strategies, service-dominant logic, value co-creation, sustainable development


This research addresses the new marketing perspectives oriented to sustainable development, being this a watershed for the strategies oriented to the economic aspect, now they are sought in the social sphere and environmental impact. The objective is to identify the trends of marketing strategies oriented to sustainability implemented in different researches or as theoretical approaches. It is performed under qualitative methodology through a bibliometric network analysis to 121 articles from Scopus database from 2010 to 2023 using VOSviewer software, of which 46 were analyzed for thematic analysis to identify thematic codes and categories in ATLASti software. The main results of the research identify six areas from which marketing strategies towards sustainability are approached: Sustainable Consumer behavior, Sustainable Consumption and Participatory Consumer Behavior, Sustainable Business, Ecosystem Disruption and Corporate Social Responsibility. Similarly, the Service Dominant Logic theory changes the paradigm and the H2H model, that we must rethink the marketing strategies to a co-creative, integral approach and that involves the actors of the service ecosystem to generate value in use to sustainable experiences in customers leaving behind the strategic marketing models.


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How to Cite
Zuñiga Espinosa, N. A., Zamora Ramos, M. R., & Martínez García, M. D. (2023). Rethinking Marketing for Sustainable Development: New Approaches and Strategies. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 12(23), 28-34.