Preparation of discada norteña

Keywords: Disco, Northern region, Culinary tradition


Discada norteña is one of the emblematic dishes of the northern region of Mexico, although it is believed that its origin dates back to the peasants and the need to eat during work hours and there is no specific recipe, since, Its preparation changes from state to state and from house to house, according to the ingredients available and the culinary tradition of each home, however, traditionally it is made up of different meats and vegetables; but its main characteristic is the plow disk on which it is cooked, from which it also takes its name.


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Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural . (29 de octubre del 2023). Discada, delicioso platillo norteño. Gobierno de México . Gobierno de México Recuperado de

La Ganadería en México. (29 de octubre 2023). La Ganadería en México. Secretaria de gobernación . Secretaria de Gobernación Recuperado de

How to Cite
López Hernández, B. A., Ramírez Moctezuma , D. A., & Gutiérrez Rodríguez, J. F. (2023). Preparation of discada norteña. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 12(23), 56-57.