Gender Inequality in the Labor Scheme: Difficulty in Access to Pensions for Women in Pachuca de Soto

Keywords: Pensions, Contributions, Wages, Labor Market, Old Age


In Mexico, pensions were created in 1943 with the creation of the IMSS, with two important restructurings in 1973 and 1997, the latter giving each worker the obligation to make contributions, with the accumulated amount being their own responsibility, to be operated by Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (AFORES).

The AFORES establish equality between men and women to have access to a pension.

Unfortunately, the current pension model does not take into account the life situation of most women; this makes it difficult for them to access the opportunities offered by the Mexican labor market to enjoy a decent and sufficient income for their old age. In addition, domestic responsibilities, which most women are responsible for, reduce the time they could dedicate to paid work; on the other hand, it is crucial to consider the impact of obtaining lower salaries than their male counterparts; this salary disparity significantly affects their ability to accumulate funds for their old age.

This study is presented with a quantitative method, in a holistic approach highlighting the interconnection of various aspects of a system considering the variables of age, hours worked, wages received, education, in order to know in their totality to what extent all the variables that have an impact on obtaining a pension for women have an influence.


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How to Cite
Alarcon Garcia, R. A., Ortega Hernández, J. L., & Lagos Eulogio, J. (2024). Gender Inequality in the Labor Scheme: Difficulty in Access to Pensions for Women in Pachuca de Soto. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 13(Especial), 11-20.