Pyramid of Happiness, Tools to Achieve Happiness at Work

  • Evelia López-Meza Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • María D. Martínez-García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Work happiness, recognition, goals, commitment, optimize time, proactivity and pessimism


Happiness is an emotional state in which the feelings are achieve when we fulfill a dream, in the sense of job, the happiness is synonyms of productivity, it is not something ethereal or intangible, because it is important for determine the organizational culture of the company. Building a sense of belonging for the work carried out, is achieved by creatingthe positive environments, encouraging and finding vocations. For this purpose, there are tools organized in three levels: At the base are the Recognize and Recognize, the clear Goals and the Commitment, these are the essential elements that originate in the individual. The next three levels are: identify and manage toxic bosses, optimize time and deal with difficult partners, these are the components of the work environment. The following, to be proactive, combat boredom and pessimism, these are associated with efficiency and performance. The last level is Respect for oneself, it is the only element that feeds on the rest for achieve, finally, the top of the pyramid is Work Happiness.


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[1] Hildemaro, I. (2015). Pirámide de la felicidad laboral, herramientas para alcanzar la felicidad en el trabajo. Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones H. Infante & Asociados.
How to Cite
López-Meza, E., & Martínez-García, M. D. (2018). Pyramid of Happiness, Tools to Achieve Happiness at Work. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 7(13), 79-81.