Administrative Process of a Microenterprise "Services and Machining"

  • José Wiliulfo Hernández Gálvez Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala
  • Rosa Elena Morales Rebollar Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala
Keywords: Administration, Production, Strategy, Empirical, Qualitative


The company currently applies an empirical administration, in the financial and / or marketing processes, human and technological resources, which affects the low performance of the areas of reception, production, sales and administration.The importance of knowing the causes generated by the inadequate administrative process consists of identifying the internal and external factors that cause them, as well as the possible appropriate solutions.Therefore, it is considered necessary to strengthen administrative processes, for which strategies must be generated to obtain competitiveness and effective entrepreneurship.From the financial analysis, operational, functional and projection of expansion of the company "Services and Machining", the following proposal is determined:1. Establish an administrative organization manual.2. Reorganize the organizational structure.3. With the expansion, the increase in income is generated.



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How to Cite
Hernández Gálvez, J. W., & Morales Rebollar, R. E. (2019). Administrative Process of a Microenterprise "Services and Machining". Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 7(14), 15-20.