Accusatory Criminal Data in the New Accusatory Penal System

  • Roselio Lima Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala
Keywords: Internal control, Test Data, Accusatory Criminal System


The need to provide internal control to the extent that the company demands it is highlighted, considering that the generation of means, models, methodology, scope and other factors inherent to internal control, also adhere to the requirements and conditions of the companies in the that can be applied, this in order to obtain an Accounting Test Data, the complexity of the internal control independently of the size of the organization, the advantages can be highlighted in priority order.

a) Obtaining Proof as Indicia

b) The inherent protection of their financial resources from organizations

c) Knowledge of operations, and responsible in each area of ​​opportunity.

d) Employee and Employer can be released from unhealthy acts


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How to Cite
Lima Vázquez, R. (2019). Accusatory Criminal Data in the New Accusatory Penal System. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 8(15), 29-41.