Trade Mexico - Central America. Analysis with the use of the Grubel and Lloyd index

Keywords: international trade, central america, mexico, index grubel and lloyd


Given the current conditions of global trade, and in particular the position of the Government of the United States to free trade, today. In order to avoid dependence on a single country gets imperative for Mexico think of other export markets. This work had two objectives; first, generate a diagnosis of Mexico international trade with Central America; and secondly to detect the type of existing trade between the countries in the region of study to determine the type of trade that is generated. To achieve this, the Grubel and Lloyd, methodology was used, which demonstrated the existence of intra-industry trade irrelevant, as it was obtained an IGL (Grubel–Lloyd index) in all countries of the region less than 0.22; which meant the existence of a little relevant intra-industry trade from Mexico with all the countries of Central America.


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How to Cite
Gracia Hernández, M. (2021). Trade Mexico - Central America. Analysis with the use of the Grubel and Lloyd index. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 9(18), 32-43.