Gender and Leadership practices in teaching staff of a Higher Education institution in Hidalgo

Keywords: Leadership practices, Gender, Teacher staff


The teaching staff of Higher Education Institutions plays a fundamental role in the training of professionals; this process involves the exercise of leadership practices to achieve institutional objectives. The objective is to identify the leadership practices of the teaching staff by means of the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) of Kouzes and Posner in order to establish the differences with respect to gender. A quantitative case study, cross-sectional and descriptive in scope, was applied. The results show that the practice that is most identified is enabling others to act and the one that is least exercised by the staff is shaping the way, there is no significant difference in leadership practices with respect to gender.



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How to Cite
Flores Luna, M., García Hernández, Y., & Martínez García, M. D. (2024). Gender and Leadership practices in teaching staff of a Higher Education institution in Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 10(19), 39-45.

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