Configuration and entrepreneurship through community rural tourism in the community of La Florida, State of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Keywords: Rural community tourism, Communality, Local development, Social economy


The present work analyzes the development of the tourist activity that is observed in La Florida, an indigenous community in the municipality of Cardonal in the State of Hidalgo, from the approach of the community organization as a methodological proposal that supports the analytical orientation and reflection regarding to the scene of rural community tourism, through the sustainable use of cultural and natural resources as drivers of local development, from the community, from the preservation and dissemination of its potential attractions, helping to consolidate the workforce in the service sector, from a new role that penetrates the expansion of production relations as a generator of income. The methodology used is under an exploratory and descriptive approach and a cross-sectional design, the study takes up some of the precepts of communality and the solidarity economy from which it allows to provide an interdisciplinary perspective to constitute itself as a sustainable labour structure. It is concluded that tourism is a development alternative that allows the generation of practices that are in a complementary position for family support.



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How to Cite
Flores Amador, C., Vázquez Flores, O., Salgado George, J., & Sánchez Peñuelas, I. J. (2022). Configuration and entrepreneurship through community rural tourism in the community of La Florida, State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(15), 6-14.

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