Environmental risk assessment in Tlaxcoapan, Hidalgo

Keywords: Water, Envioronmental, Risk, Pollution, Envioronmentan Evaluation


The safety of drinking water consumption is threatened by environmental risks such as industrial, domestic, and agricultural contamination in the region of Tlaxcoapan, Hidalgo., Towards the water table and soil. In this place, the main risk faced by the population is contracting intestinal diseases due to biological contaminants, which is why the main elements of an environmental assessment and recommendations for risk management in similar contexts that allow safeguarding population health are exposed.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Martínez, D. V. (2021). Environmental risk assessment in Tlaxcoapan, Hidalgo. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 8(16), 31-33. https://doi.org/10.29057/estr.v8i16.6428
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