Relationship between intelligence and creativity according to Guilford's theory

Keywords: Guilford´s theory, intelligence, creativity, teaching, learning


This document addresses the theory of intelligence and its relationship with creativity, by Paul Guilford, which allows verifying the level of execution in which these processes are carried out, within teaching and learning. This author is a pioneer in approaching creativity autonomously from intelligence. He explains that from 120 capacities, five mental operations are combined that are basic in every individual, such as: capturing information, memory capacity, evaluation, problem solving and creativity. Said author represents the above through a cube, in which a series of mental operations, contents and possible products are shown, depending on the particularities of each individual.


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Diaz Tenza P. J. (2020) Taxonomía de Guilford. Consultado en línea el 18 de septiembre de 2022, desde:,%2D%20captaci%C3%B3n

Raymundiz, B., Broncano Gutierrez, A., Carlos Godines G., Durand Castillo, C.J., Huaman Quispe, J., Torres Alarcon,D. (2018). Guilford, su estructura del intelecto y la creatividad. Teoría de la inteligencia. UNMSM. Facultad de Psicología. Consultado en línea el 18 de septiembre de 2022, desde:

How to Cite
Sánchez Martínez, D. V., & Ruvalcaba Ledezma, J. C. (2023). Relationship between intelligence and creativity according to Guilford’s theory. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(19), 31-33.
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