Analysis of Symmographic Signals with Matlab

  • José E. del Ángel-Huipio Universidad Tecnológica Tula-Tepeji
  • Luis F. Alba-Flores Universidad Tecnológica Tula-Tepeji
  • Christopher Vela-Monroy Universidad Tecnológica Tula-Tepeji
  • Daniel Vélez-Díaz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Jorge Gudiño-Lau Universidad de Colima
Keywords: Earthquakes, signals, seismographs, Matlab


The main objective of this report is to develop, in an analytical way, the resolution of a mathematical system in the geological field through the use of our Matlab software, applying basic knowledge of digital signal processing. In it, each step of this process will be pointed out so that you have the opportunity to know how important it is for every engineer to perform mathematical analysis in the development of projects in the branch of programing.

The project that is addressed in this report is a Matlab program that allows analyzing the signals produced by an earthquake, in addition to calculating, based on frequencies, the distance that exists between the origin of the earthquake, and the sensor. It is also intended to achieve the visualization in the exact time of said telluric events, addressing the theme of waves of type "P" and type "S", as well as the magnitudes of the phenomenon.

As an additional resource, a logarithmic type analysis has been added that, apart from showing the order of the steps to follow, will give the reader the opportunity to develop said study from the minimum knowledge in seismographic analysis. However, the aforementioned software is the rigorous equipment to carry out the processing of these signals.

The purpose of this report is to address and rescue the points applicable to the many fields of daily life that could be faced by an engineering student (or an engineer) in the development of their projects and / or experiments; understand the functions destined to studies of waves, vibrations and physical or electronic properties, such as the case of visualization, identification of peaks and the filtering of a certain range of frequencies, as well as understanding that signal processing is very important for our field of study.


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How to Cite
Ángel-Huipio, J. E. del, Alba-Flores, L. F., Vela-Monroy, C., Vélez-Díaz, D., & Gudiño-Lau, J. (2019). Analysis of Symmographic Signals with Matlab. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 7(13), 65-70.

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