Sexual Metamorphoses in Adolescence: Working Through Genital Sexuality

Keywords: Adolescence, sexuality, working through, subjectivation, psychic restructuring


Results are presented from a research dealing with one of the most complex human development transformations: sexuality, its working through and resignification in the adolescent’s subjectivation processs, which leads to establishment of genitality. Focus groups were formed in three high schools from Atotonilco de Tula and Tula de Allende districts, Hidalgo State. Teenagers, aged 15 to 18, participated. In this study, teenagers’ discourses are analysed through an interpretative strategy relying on psychoanalytic theory. According to teenagers, in the different contexts were the live in, they receive information about sexual changes, but not the opportunity to express their personal doubts and concerns, generating anxiety and uncertainty regarding their psychic restructuring. For men, friend relationships, stereotypes regarding the opposite sex, information founded through information and communication technologies are the most relevant in the working through process; whiles for women, family values, friend net y goals in life are the most important.


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How to Cite
Ramos-Cruz, E. de J., & Cisneros-Herrera, J. (2019). Sexual Metamorphoses in Adolescence: Working Through Genital Sexuality. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(11), 44-50.

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