Spray-Drying Encapsulation of Probiotics

  • Ofelia Alfaro Galarza Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Norberto Chavarria Hernandez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Apolonio Vargas Torres Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Heidi M Palma Rodriguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: probiotics, spray drying, encapsulation


The probiotic microorganisms have gained importance in recent years because their consumption has benefits on health mainly of the digestive system. For this reason, the industry is in a constant search of processes for these micro-organisms don´t lose their viability and they do their function. Because of that, the microencapsulation has been used as method of protection in the internal and external climate conditions. In this same vein, probiotics need prebiotic substances, such as malanga and rice starches, to stay viable and perform beneficial functions inside the host. The objective of this work was assess two prebiotics (malanga and rice starches) as wall material in the viabiity of a microorganism Lactobacillus casei subs. Paracasei encapsulated through spray dryed. The isolated malanga and rice starches, got 82.60 and 86.68% of starch overall respectively, in the amylose content rice presented 17.34% and malanga 9.44%, the exponential phase of microoganisms was presented at 14 h, aggregates with a popcorn shape were accomplished and finally the encapsulation effiency satyed in the order of 1008


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How to Cite
Alfaro Galarza, O., Chavarria Hernandez, N., Vargas Torres, A., & Palma Rodriguez, H. M. (2019). Spray-Drying Encapsulation of Probiotics . Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 5(10), 18-20. https://doi.org/10.29057/icap.v5i10.4582

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