Symbolic function and efficacy for the study of the Nahual myth: a socio-anthropological review

Keywords: Symbolic function, Symbolic efficacy, Nahual Myth, Shamanism, Witch


The purpose of this research article is to analyse the type of function and effectiveness that is currently represented and its historical and symbolic construction of the myth of the "nahual", as it is a concern, not only for the study of Social Anthropology, but in general, as a visible question in the Social Sciences and that is involved in the field of the Sociology of Religion. It is worth mentioning the symbolic and historical relationship in the "nahual"; For example, in the European one, he gets involved with the "witch", since it obeys the reproduction of a social order, since the colonial period and that continues to be reproduced in rural indigenous communities in Mexico. For the elaboration of the field work, some life stories were compiled, carried out in 2016, with informants who live in the community of La Palma, municipality of San Salvador, Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo.


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How to Cite
Peña Guajardo, F. O. (2021). Symbolic function and efficacy for the study of the Nahual myth: a socio-anthropological review. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 7(13), 1-5.

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