Nursing process applied to a patient undergoing the post-surgical laparotomy period for appendectomy due to an acute and infectious process in the peritoneum: First interventions

Keywords: Nursing Process, appendicitis, laparotomy


A Nursing Process (NP) is a consistent method whose main objective is to provide the nursing staff with the necessary guidelines to satisfy the different care needs that the individual needs and based on this, to be able to provide the necessary activities and research in order to to lead to a state of efficient and timely recovery, according to the possibilities of the nursing staff themselves. In this NP we will be focusing on providing care to a patient who is undergoing a post-surgical laparotomy period due to the presence of appendicitis, which is what is considered specific swelling, which can be caused by a large number of reasons such as the impediment of the continuity of the appendicular lumen. The diagnostic label that we will be addressing is deterioration of tissue integrity, having as subjective data a mobility affected by the surgical process and as subjective data, we find a Body Mass Index of 27.63 kg2 (Overweight), bleeding, bruising and pain. It should be noted that our diagnosis is of an independent type, having as indicators: Erythema, Skin integrity, Scar Tissue, Paleness and Abnormal Pigmentation, based on the above, interventions were proposed with the purpose of reducing or, failing that, eradicating the presence of said indicators, the same which will be taken from official standards, evidence-based nursing and our taxonomy NANDA, NIC and NOC.


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How to Cite
Prado-Quezada, Y. N., Revoreda-Montes, C. A., Jiménez-Sánchez, R. C., González -Pérez, L. B., López-Hernández, S., & Vegara-Pérez, Y. I. (2023). Nursing process applied to a patient undergoing the post-surgical laparotomy period for appendectomy due to an acute and infectious process in the peritoneum: First interventions. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(22), 160-165.

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