How recommendable are commercial ice creams?

Keywords: Ice-cream, nutrimetal composition, calories, sugars, fats


Introduction: Ice cream is a food that results from the mixture of dairy ingredients and can contain vegetable fats, eggs, fruits, flavorings, sweeteners and other additives. The nutritional composition of ice cream varies according to the type and ingredients with which it is made. Methodology: An ice cream search was conducted in the state of Hidalgo, comparing 49 regular 1L ice creams from 5 different brands, where the amount of energy, sugars, proteins, saturated fat, fiber and sodium is included for each 100 mL of products. Results and Discussion: The results are presented for every 100 ml of product. The ice creams evaluated have a low average energy content, that is, between 68-138 kcal. Some of the ice creams cover about 50% of the daily sugar recommendation. They also contribute a low intake between 1 and 4% of the daily protein recommendations. Cream or milk-based ice cream provides a maximum of 20% of the recommended daily fat. The supply of fiber provided is not significant. It contributes between 0-40% of the daily sodium intake. Conclusion: Cream and milk-based ice creams are characterized by a high caloric density derived from a high content of sugars and fats, so it is necessary to include those warning stamps according to their composition. The consumption of ice cream should be moderate; high consumption contributes to the development of chronic non-communicable diseases.


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How to Cite
Chávez-Morales, B., Ortiz Gómez, K., Ramirez Tenorio, C., Villanueva de Anda, A., & Ramírez Moreno, E. (2022). How recommendable are commercial ice creams?. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 143-147.

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