Phenotypic and microscopic description of isolated bacteria of cecal content of rabbits with epizootic enteropathy in farms of Tulancingo Valley

Keywords: rabbit farming, bacterial diseases, rabbit diseases


Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) is one of the health problems that cause the major economic losses to rabbit farmers, it is a condition that is potentially fatal for infected animals and continues to threaten the rabbit production industry nationally and internationally. The first report of the condition dates back 100 years, which is based on a description of symptoms like ERE; however, the first definitive description of ERE dates to France, at the end of 1996 and to Galicia, Spain in September 1996. Etiologic of the disease and the candidate organisms that seem to be associated with it, are not fully defined, it has been There has been much discussion about its viral or bacterial origin, however, food and the environment play a decisive role in keeping the disease under control; sanitary control of drinking water and food, hygiene and monitoring of comfort factors, are decisive in preventing this disease


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How to Cite
Chávez Hernández, J. A., García Vázquez, L. M., Ayala Martínez, M., Soto Simental, S., Ocampo López, J., & Zepeda Bastida, A. (2021). Phenotypic and microscopic description of isolated bacteria of cecal content of rabbits with epizootic enteropathy in farms of Tulancingo Valley. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 7(13), 7-10.

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