Marketing and Consumer society

  • Alejandra Vega Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Marketing, strategies, consumption


The book Marketing and Consumer Society, initiates with various aspects related to consumption, and marketing studies from perspective of consumption is presented, in such it is analysed how market strategies influence’s society. Since the definition of Marketing under the different approaches, between economic, cultural and social as well as consumption and social responsibility, price as a variable that generates  value, or if  selling is marketing purpose, as well as successful cases in the image that is intended to show but having internal errors that contradict the campaigns and new technologies to try to understand what is observed by the customers’ eyes in advertising and packaging, to conclude with unbridled consumption by the social context in which the most vulnerable consumers and workers develop.


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D Sahuí Maldonado J, Mercadotecnia y Sociedad de Consumo. Editorial Dibs Fontamara 2010; 1era Edición. México

Lerma A, Comercio y Marketing Internacional Cengage Learning; 2008: Cuarta Edición: .159

How to Cite
Vega, A. (2019). Marketing and Consumer society. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 8(15), 54-56.