Input, Output, and Intake

Role and relevance in Second Language Learning

Keywords: Input, output, intake, second language learning


Within the language teaching-learning area, many factors can be identified as impacting the proficiency of the language students achieve. As teachers, we have gone from searching the latest technologies to creating innovative materials that motivate students, passing through the use of resources that integrate skills and curricular designs that help students develop their autonomy. It is in this environment that we consider it relevant to review basic concepts that help us understand how the information we receive needs to be converted into knowledge in order to produce the language being studied. The concepts of input, output, adn intake are reviewed and the relevance of such concepts in Second Language Learning is pointed out in this essay.


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How to Cite
Bórquez Morales, L. S., & Hernández Alvarado, M. G. (2021). Input, Output, and Intake. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 10(19), 41-45.