Additives present in the label of Chicken Nuggets

Keywords: Food additive, dextrose, leptin


Chicken Nuggets have almost half of breaded (47%), so it is detrimental to the amount of protein. The amount of fat and fat is high because they are used in the breading of the product, so its price is high compared to fresh poultry products. Therefore, the consumption of these products should be limited, especially because of their high sodium content and additives. The present work evaluated the nutritional composition and listed the additives present in the labeling in Chicken Nuggets. A visit was made to various supermarkets (Aurrera, Soriana, Wal-Mart), to evaluate nutritional information, additive content and price considering 4 brands of Chicken Breast Nuggets. In order to evaluate the nutritional composition and list the additives present in the labeling in Chicken Nuggets, a portion of fresh chicken breast was used to make a comparison between the nutritional composition of the Chicken Nuggets. The% of meat present in chicken Nuggets was obtained by removing and weighing the breaded and subtracting from the total unit


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How to Cite
Flores Chávez, M. E., Mejía Hernández, I., Cervantes-Elizarrarás, A., Pimentel Munguía, Y. A., & Ramírez Moreno, E. (2020). Additives present in the label of Chicken Nuggets. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(16), 170-173.

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