Ruminants: Important Players in Climate Change

Keywords: Ruminants, climate change, xoconostle, greenhouse gases


Greenhouse gases contribute directly to climate change, currently one of the main problems of humanity, and in recent years there has been concern due to the increase in their emissions because of human activity in general and livestock. The purpose of this note is to spread some aspects of this inconvenience by proposing an alternative to try to reduce this problem. Within livestock production systems, ruminants are the main implicated, since they emit around 115 million tons of methane per year, corresponding to approximately 20% of global emissions. Methanogenesis represents a loss of energy for the ruminant in terms of nutrition; and in environmental terms it contributes to the increase in greenhouse gases, so the number of investigations to reduce it has increased. It is important to make known the concern of researchers in this field since it implies not only solving the environmental problem, but also guaranteeing the supply of food for humanity.


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How to Cite
Campos Montiel, R. G., Espino-García, J. J., Almaraz-Buendía, I., González-Lemus, U., Reyes-Munguía, A., & Aguirre-Álvarez, G. (2023). Ruminants: Important Players in Climate Change. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 9(17), 5-8.

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