Edu entertainment a new form of social marketing

Keywords: Edu entertainment, Social marketing, education, learning, game


Following Jean Vial, (1988) "The link between the game and education have marked humanity from the moment it escaped the determinisms of survival and animality"(p.19) "The main objective of education is to create people capable of doing new things, and not simply repeat what other generations did" Jean Piaget, that is why this work reviews that the current labour market, demands professionals in a future with greater tools of hard sciences, new technologies, social networks, languages and ability to coordinate and manage, so it is important to put a new social context to the generations that are entering the field and not only see "the same as always". The general trends show that learning from experience through the integration of games, such as being professionals, using playful techniques, skills and knowledge change the context in which the individual (child) develops and thus, could change the aspirations, as through the use of Edu-entertainment, as a new form of social marketing where it is possible to generate changes in aspirational behaviour or social appropriation and make a better career choice that allows them to develop in this changing world.


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How to Cite
Vega Barrios, A., & Muñoz Bautista, E. (2018). Edu entertainment a new form of social marketing. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 7(13), 6-9.

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