Analysis of the 5 forces of Porter Applied to a refaccionaria of bicycles and motorcycles.

Keywords: 5 Porter forces, refaccionaria, bicycles, motorcycles


The five forces of Porter, is considered as a very practical model when conducting a business analysis, specifically in the sector to which it belongs; the way the business behaves in relation to the various market players and as a result allows identifying competitive advantages or distinctions to make decisions on where to direct the strategies.

This technique of sector analysis and company competition, by Michael E. Porter, since 1979, today is a classic and reference for the owners and managers of companies.

The practical application is shared in a micro family garage and motorcycles refaccionaria located in the State of Chiapas.



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How to Cite
Carlson Morales, C., & Villarreal-Gómez, A. L. (2020). Analysis of the 5 forces of Porter Applied to a refaccionaria of bicycles and motorcycles. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 8(16), 44-47.
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