Corn and nixtamalization: component modification of its, processing techniques and tortilla enrichment

Keywords: Corn, antioxidant, changes in nixtamalization, enrichmen, fortification


Corn (Zea mays L.) is the most important cereal worldwide in economic terms, there are different colors that characterize this seed, which influences its nutritional components. It is a food with an important contribution to health, in addition to its versatility for consumption, it is highly consumed in Latin America, one way to consume it is in tortilla, currently other foods have been added to this product to increase its nutritional content that benefit the population. The objective of this work had to provide an overview of the properties and characteristics of corn, as well as the alternative technologies applied to it, in the nixtamalization process, the main uses of corn in different industries, and the recent research evidence applied to tortilla enrichment, are also discussed.




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How to Cite
Galindo-Olguín, C. N., Cruz-Cansino, N. del S., Ramírez-Moreno, E., Ariza-Ortega, J. A., Camacho-Bernal, G. I., & Cervantes-Elizarrarás, A. (2021). Corn and nixtamalization: component modification of its, processing techniques and tortilla enrichment. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 205-213.

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