Analysis of process concepts for behaviour description

Keywords: psychological processes, education, scheme, skills


The so-called psychological processes (e.g., attention, memory, thought) have been studied through different theoretical approaches. In each of these approaches, metaphors are used to describe the psychological phenomenon as a process that has an ostensive beginning and end (e.g., the information processing metaphor in terms of input-output and its analogy with computational systems). One of the most accepted approach for the study of cognitive processes is the work realized by Jean Piaget. This article describes the concepts proposed by Piaget to analyse the change in equilibrium states. The main aim of this essay is to point-out the pertinence of an equilibrium model and their relevance for the description for a process understood as state-transitions in a behaviour system.


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How to Cite
Montes Castro, E. E., Arce, A., Cisneros Herrera, J., Guzmán Díaz, G., Mérida Vélez, F. Y., & Vazquez-Moreno, A. (2022). Analysis of process concepts for behaviour description. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 9(18), 32-38.

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