Forest bathing dynamic element for sustainable development in tourism

Keywords: Shinrin Yoku, Baños de Bosque, Tourism, Sustainable Development


The Covid-19 pandemic had an economic and psychosocial impact on the world, in the case of tourism it was one of the most affected sectors. The pandemic made us more aware of valuing health and environment, the challenge is to identify how to reach the 2030 agenda, which impact directly with people's health, decent jobs and improving the economy in general, To provide an alternative to this problems, the objective of this work is to identify forest bathing as a viable alternative to be used as a facilitating element for sustainable development and for some of the 2030 agenda objectives. Through an exploratory type research supported by documentary analysis, it was possible to identify forest baths as a powerful alternative to serve as a catalyst for sustainable development and mainly in some of the objectives of sustainable development. The main conclusions point to the fact that forest baths are a very useful tool that can have a very positive impact on modern life and help preserve the environment, health and boost tourism.



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How to Cite
Ramos Sánchez, P. A., Velázquez Castro, J. A., & Terrazas Juárez, A. R. (2023). Forest bathing dynamic element for sustainable development in tourism. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 11(22), 32-40.

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