Study on the challenges of fase-to-face education at a higher level in the fase of the health contingency of COVID.19

Keywords: Face-to-face, virtual education, pandemic, COVID-19


This document arises from the need to look for areas of opportunity to support students during a contingency period where face to face classes change to virtual classes and to observe how the human being is able to bear the weight of his fears and anxieties in a completely context new for him, where all paradigms were broken and spaces for innovation are created for students and teachers. It was necessary to immediately create a form in Google that would collect the information first hand and as soon as possible, since tha adaptation took place two weeks after the change began. Hence the to establish the media and the application to have a first impression of the upper level students during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
de León-Vázquez, I. I., Tapia-Castillo, D. I., & Velez-Díaz, D. (2020). Study on the challenges of fase-to-face education at a higher level in the fase of the health contingency of COVID.19. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 8(16), 5-8.

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