Production and uses of Tenebrio molitor

Keywords: insect consumption, nutritional alternative, protein, coleopter


The aim of work is to propose the insect Tenebrio molitor as a nutritional alternative and report on their production methods, because not only have nutritional characteristics needed for a good diet for its nutritional high, but also have a variety of qualities beneficial to the health of consumers. It is well known that Mexico is a country with nutritional problems, due to lack of knowledge about nutritional deficiencies and options that people have in their diet; so that an alternative to this problem is to expand knowledge and food choices. Tenebrio molitor is known as a nutritional option for the large number of proteins containing, which provide a nutritional option, in addition to the health benefits that may be due to the presence of bioactive peptides. Not much is known about the management that these insects must have to avoid pests or infections during their production, in addition to the specific care necessary for rapid and sustainable production.


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How to Cite
Zepeda Bastida, A., Herrera-Soto, I. A., Soto-Simental, S., Ocampo López, J., & Ayala Martínez, M. (2020). Production and uses of Tenebrio molitor . Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 6(12), 1-4.

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