Research Approaches

  • Sandra Luz Hernández Mendoza Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Theira Irasema Samperio Monroy Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Research, process, science, tecchiniques


The definition of research is valid for both the quantitative and the qualitative approach, both constitute a general process that, in turn, integrates various processes. The quantitative process is sequential and probative. The qualitative process is "spiral" or circular, in the sense that the stages interact and do not follow a rigorous sequence. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches are possible choices to face research problems and equally valuable results. They are, until now, the best ways for humanity to investigate and generate knowledge (Hernández Sampieri and Fernández Collado, 2014). Throughout the history of science, different currents of thought have arisen (such as empiricism, dialectical materialism, positivism, phenomenology, structuralism) and the different interpretative frameworks, such as realism and constructivism, which have opened different routes in the search for knowledge. However, and due to the different premises, that sustain them, since the last century, current stories have been "polarized" in two main approaches to research: the quantitative approach and the qualitative approach. Both approaches employ careful, methodical and empirical processes in their effort to generate knowledge, so the previous application of the research applies to both equally (Bernal Torres, 2010).


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[1] Bernal Torres, C. (2010). Metodología de la Investigación (Tercera ed.). Colombia, Colombia: Prentice Hall.

[2] Hernández Sampieri, R., & Fernández Collado, C. (2014). Metodología de la Investigación (6ta. Edición ed.). México: Mc. Graw Hill.
How to Cite
Hernández Mendoza, S. L., & Samperio Monroy, T. I. (2018). Research Approaches. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 7(13), 67-68.
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