Wind frietters

  • Norma Gómez García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Ana Karen Vargas Muñoz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Fritters, dough, honey, piloncillo, sugar, parties, December, nuns


Fritters are a preparation made of a liquid dough fried in boiling oil. They could be served as snack, appetizer or dessert. They could be sprinkled with sugar or cover them with a light honey, being the most traditional the one made of piloncillo, a type of burned sugar molded as a cone.

For Castellano in her book called “Delicias de Antaño” told us that the nuns of Our Lord of the Snow of St. Brigidag  in the year of 1744 they already make the fritters we know actually for the December  Festivities. At afternoon nuns used to go out with big trays and seld them, accompanying them with piloncillo honey they elaborated in copper saucepans.

Nowadays, some cloisters keep the tradition of making fritters at December Holidays.

Fritters are part of most of the country states cuisine, in some of them they present varieties like in Veracruz, they use to prepare them with crab pulp.

At Oaxaca state fritters are very traditionals at a festivitie called “Radish Night” wich is celebrated at 23rd.December. In each celebration fritters are made with radish, sweet potatoe and potatoe, amongst  other ingredients and usually companied with regional atole, wich is a hot beverage maid of corn and flavor. Cocoa maize atole is the most common among them all in the region.


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Grupo Editorial Larousse. (2014) “Larousse Gastronomique” 1a edicion en espñol 2011.

Catella,.T. (2010) “Delicias de Antaño” Editorial Planeta.
How to Cite
Gómez García, N., & Vargas Muñoz, A. K. (2018). Wind frietters. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 7(13), 72-73.