Stages the administrative process

  • Jorge Martín Hernández Mendoza Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Sandra Luz Hernández Mendoza Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Organization, efficiency, administration


Administration as a science involves in its theoretical and practical application a systematized scheme that breaks with improvisations that promote thought in research.

The administrative process is a model developed by Henry Fayol, which has been identified as the fundamental basis of administrative practice giving it a broader capacity for abstraction and the possibility of generating theoretical concepts increasingly specific to the needs of the companies, being also a model with which the administrator function is standardized.

The administrative process is defined as the achievement of phases or stages through which the administrative practice is carried out. Therefore, at present, the quadripartite division is the most universally accepted: planning, organization, direction and control.

Considering the importance of these stages and / or phases, it can be said that the administrative process becomes the principle of any administrative activity, whose main objective is the systematization of knowledge generating a structure of efficiency, as well as fostering the development of a philosophy and managerial culture (Varela & León 2010).

The stages and / or phases of the administrative process propose methods developed based on the experience of large companies where:

Planning points out the need to set objectives, it is considered the most important stage that implies a rational decision making.

The organization seeks to meet the objectives established in the planning.

The management focuses its attention on how to delegate authority and coordinate activities.

The control establishes the criteria that must be applied in the measurement and evaluation of results.


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[1] Reyes, A. (2007). Administración moderna. Editorial Limusa, grupo Noriega editores, recuperado y consultado el 18 de agosto de 2018 de:

[2] Varela, M., y León, A. (2010). La evolución del proceso administrativo frente al marco metodológico de la creación de valor como principio rector de la gestión empresarial. Ciencia económica, 28, Núm. 2, pp. 465-480, recuperado y consultado el 18 de agosto de 2018 de:
How to Cite
Hernández Mendoza, J. M., & Hernández Mendoza, S. L. (2019). Stages the administrative process. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(11), 66-67.
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