Graphology as a resource in the study and evaluation of personality

  • Hilda Blanco Paredes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Personalidad,, carácter,, temperamento,, grafología,, evaluacion comportamiento,, conducta.


Graphology allows us to understand that the letter becomes the reflection of the individual's interior, thus allowing him to use it for the study and evaluation of the personality, identifying his thinking, his feeling and his actions of the individual, providing indicators of his family dynamics thus expressing their peronality unconsciously, so it is an objective way to have knowledge of the subject's actions in their different fields and without a doubt, an effective tool for the study and evaluation of the personality of the human being in the actuality for the understanding of their behavior.


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Emmaus, I., Aragón Chacón, L., & Zapfe Medina, A. (2016). Grafologia. Una guía práctica. Cd. de Mexico: Trillas.

Vels, A. (2010). Escritura y personalidad, las bases cientificas de la grafología. España: Herder.

How to Cite
Blanco Paredes , H. (2020). Graphology as a resource in the study and evaluation of personality. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 7(13), 30-32.

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