Concept maps

Keywords: Concepts, hierarchy, links, cognitive tools


Concept maps are a very powerful tool to organize, synthesize and analyze information and at the same time, share knowledge in a collaborative way in the training activities analyzed in the learning process. In addition, a good methodological alternative to be able to work and evaluate competences, both generic and specific. Likewise, in the educational field, the conceptual maps related to a model focused on the student and not on the teacher because they help to think in a structured and improved way the ability to abstract about the learning process itself. With the development of concept maps, human capacity is used, and reflection, analysis and creativity are encouraged.


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Cañas, A. & Novak, J. (2009). ¿Qué es un mapa conceptual?. En Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). Recuperado y consultado el 6 de marzo de 2020 de

Novak, J. D. & A. J. Cañas. (2007). La Teoría Subyacente a los Mapas Conceptuales y a cómo construirlos, Reporte Técnico IHMC CmapTools, Florida Institute forHuman and Machine Cognition. Recuperado y consultado el 6 de marzo de 2020 de

How to Cite
Hernández Mendoza, J. M., & Hernández Mendoza, S. L. (2020). Concept maps. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 7(14), 24-26.
Resúmenes, mapas o diagramas de aplicación del conocimiento

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