Effects of psychosocial risk factors on food industry workers

Keywords: psychosocial risk factors, NOM_035, WORK STRESS


The situation of a Food Industry Factory in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, is presented, corresponding to its results in the evaluation of its psychosocial risk factors, as compliance with NOM-035 as a reference guide. Topics such as work stress and its effects on the physical and psychological health of workers and the balance between their work and personal life are addressed. The evaluation of the regulations was carried out based on reference guide III, due to the size of the workplace of more than 50 workers. The prevalence’s obtained and the categories and missing domains identified in the results of the evaluation are exposed. Finally, in the discussion and conclusions, the vision and research of other authors is compared, and the results obtained from the evaluation are analyzed and interpreted.


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Author Biographies

Arlen Ceron Islas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo


Realizo estudios de Licenciatura en Contaduría 1994 – 1999 en la UAEH, la maestría en Negocios y Estudios Económicos  2000 – 2001 en la UAN, Especialidad en Tecnología Educativa 2003 -2004 en la UAEH y Doctorado en Planeación Estratégica y Desarrollo Regional  2011 – 2014 en la UPAEP.

Experiencia laboral de 14 años en el sistema educativo a nivel superior en la UAEH dentro del programa educativo de Comercio Exterior y Mercadotecnia, ha sido profesor investigador del área académica de Mercadotecnia desde 2003 a la fecha, actualmente es la jefa del área académica de Mercadotecnia del ICEA – UAEH.

Evaluador de programas educativos de nivel superior en COPAES – CACECA desde 2005, coordinadora de la Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia 2005-2011 y miembro del comité técnico EGEL – Mercadotecnia 2006 –  a la fecha. Arbitro internacional de ponencias y artículos.

Arbitro internacional del Comité Editorial UAEH – ICEA.

Arbitro de la revista Hitos (Tabasco) y de la European Scientific Institute, ESI.

El perfil de investigación: mercadotecnia estratégica, específicamente su tema de referencia es la Cultura de Marca e Identidad/imagen corporativa.

Miembro de la Red Cumex, Gestión de Mercadotecnia y RIIM.

Líder del Cuerpo Académico en Consolidación “Mercadotecnia Estratégica”.

Director de tesis a nivel posgrado (doctorado y maestría).

Asesor de trabajos terminales a nivel licenciatura (tesina y caso práctico).

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores SNI – Candidato.

Cuenta con perfil deseable PROMEP

Olivia Jiménez diez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Postgraduate in administration from the Universidad del Sur, he completed his master's studies in marketing at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and his bachelor's degree in international trade at the University of Guanajuato. His academic experience in the state of Yucatán began in 1997 when he entered the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Yucatán, where he currently carries out teaching and research activities. Due to his teaching activities, since 2006 he has held the Prodep profile and the certification of the National Association of Faculties and Schools of Accounting and Administration (ANFECA). She has written various book chapters and articles related to the areas of marketing, administration, social responsibility, family businesses, and gender equity among others, both nationally and internationally, and has participated in numerous national and international forums and congresses. He has also participated in the evaluation of articles and book chapters of institutions such as the La Salle University, the Academy of Administrative Sciences AC, the Autonomous University of Chiapas, the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, The Latin American Research Network on Competitiveness of Organizations, among others. His professional experience includes his participation in various positions in both the public and private sectors. In the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the UADY she has served as coordinator of the marketing area, the bachelor's degree in marketing and international business and the area of ​​academic exchanges, precisely in the latter she was in charge of the elaboration of several international agreements of Tripartite academic exchange (Mexico, the United States and Canada) for both students and teachers, which made it possible to have federal resources for student scholarships. He actively participated in the development of the study plan for the master's degree in marketing management and the modification of the curriculum for the degree in marketing and international business. He currently participates as a teacher at both undergraduate and graduate levels and in the independent sector as a consultant.
Jesica Vianey Ronzón Álvarez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the Inter-American University for Development, currently studying a master's degree in Management and Organizational Change from the Autonomous University of Yucatán. He has a diploma in Financial Education from the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services and a diploma in Management and Development of Human Capital from the Marista University in alliance with the Association of Executives in Human Development . Student with a full-time scholarship from the National Council of Science and Technology at the postgraduate level. He has experience in the areas of marketing, human development and administrative. He has worked in hotel, educational, insurance and association businesses. She is currently a member of the organizing committee of the international forum Women Leadership and Beyond.


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How to Cite
Ceron Islas, A., Jiménez diez, O., & Ronzón Álvarez, J. V. (2021). Effects of psychosocial risk factors on food industry workers. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 10(19), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.29057/icea.v10i19.7857

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