Lentil hamburger

Keywords: Health, Functional breath, Chronic diseases, Balanced diet


Functional Foods can be natural or modified, adding or eliminating components to increase their benefits to the health of those who consume. Achieving that by the advancements of biotechnology are enriched by micronutrients, that is, vitamins and minerals.

The Characteristics of Functional breath are the following:

  • They are part of a daily diet.
  • Consuming does not cause damage to health.
  • Improvement for those who consume.
  • Helps in disease prevention.
  • Existence of studies that are certified show that consuming brings benefits to health.


One of the most popular and consumed dishes in recent times is the Hamburger. Traditionally its structure starts with a bun, beef or pork, vegetables and cheese. Considering that lentils are a healthy source of energy and protein for the body are combined with shitake mushrooms which allow to obtain a balanced content of amino acids that benefits the health of the consumer.



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Cervera, P., Clapés, J. & Rigolfas, 2004. Alimentacion y Dietoterapia (Nutrición aplicada en salud y en la enfermedad). 4 ed. España: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

Peréz-Lizaur, A. B. & Marván-Laborde, L., 2005. Manual de Dietas Normales y Terapéuticas. Los Alimentos en Salud y en la Enfermedad. 5 ed. México: Ediciones científicas, La Prensa Médica Mexicana.

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How to Cite
Avila Cid, A., Hernández Sánchez, T., & Barranco Ángeles , E. N. (2020). Lentil hamburger. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 9(17), 56-58. https://doi.org/10.29057/icea.v9i17.6677

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